about us

Engineering Staff

At RSL Design, Inc., we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional engineering consulting services. Led by a highly experienced consultant with deep expertise in RF, microwave circuits, and antenna design, our team ensures innovative and reliable solutions for every project. We augment our core expertise with a network of skilled engineers, carefully selected to meet each project’s unique requirements. This collaborative approach guarantees the highest quality, precision, and tailored support to meet your engineering needs.

Image Of Rick Sturdivant

Rick Sturdivant, Ph.D.

Chief Consultant

I've been doing engineering for about 30 years on RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-wave antennas, electronics, and systems

B.S. Electrical Engineering, California State University, Long Beach

M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. Systems Engineering, Colorado State University

I have developed multiple products that have transitioned to volume production, have started successful multi-seven figure companies, am a published author of several engineering books, have taught engineering courses at universities, and very much enjoy RF and microwave engineering. For more info visit ricksturdivant.com